Monday 8 January 2018


I have loved film and glamour, always, it is in my blood and soul. My Grandfather, Sidney Gilliat, directed, wrote and produced his own and influenced me. He did not let me go to drama school as he said "You will be no more than a hooker if you act. I went finally at the age of 28 far too old to be an actress of any note. There is no way you would find me, however, take up an invitation to a man's room unless I liked them. I would have to be very naive which I am not. At seven that all ended.  I was in the village in Wiltshire and I was made to get eggs for my Mother, the farmer tied me up in a shed and the rest is history. I was too blonde, too lively. I decided to get fat. I knew I would be safe. At 20 just before my wedding I lost the weight, except my then husband only liked fat women so it lasted five minutes, but I started to live.  I was thought to be a ditzy blonde, I decided to play along with this, even last year when a friend stole money in Palm Springs from me I still played along. swamp.

I love men. To discourage men from flirting with women is dreary as it is one of life's greatest pleasures being admired and receiving billet-doux. I am certainly no feminist.
This year, however,  Hollywood has proved to everybody how disappointing some men and some women can be. You can, of course, be as high as a kite there on marijuana there but a man pinching your bottom is over. Harvey was killed off despite many women doing well under his care but of course being the overweight boy at school he could not resist trying his luck with every pretty young girl wanting to act. He is now persona non grata. The problem is youth and beauty are the commodities in Hollywood.

Women are as much to blame, some just don't help matters. When you want respect you should dress for it surely? Despite all of the women wearing black dresses in solidarity, one middle-aged woman wore an open cage dress, leaving nothing to the imagination, most had breasts popping out.  You would not find Merkel and May in bosom-baring dresses as they wish to be taken seriously in their equally male dominant political world. The answer is dress cleverly. You do not need to show all your wares to receive gravitas for your brilliant careers. Over 50 showing skin and cleavage just looks desperate, you can look attractive and pretty as someone who is young, but do cover up.

With awards for The Shape of Water,  a monster becomes ravishing and so does a very plain girl. A fairy story that tells you everything. Alexandre Desplat won the Golden Globe for what he considers to be his best work and my other favourite man Gary Oldman won his for the portrayal of Churchill. He was also seriously unattractive but through his many faults, Churchill is our national treasure.
There is a moral in this somewhere, the ugly can become beautiful and the beautiful ugly, so be careful, there is a saying "Beauty is as beauty does" and beauty is only skin deep.
As Churchill said, "We will fight them on the beaches, we'll fight them in the air". He was tipsy most days after 3pm, his famous saying to Lady Astor was when she accused him of being drunk "Madam, that may be true but I will be sober in the morning and you'll  still be ugly" Despite Churchill's serious  flaws, Dresden, Coventry, loss of our Empire, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the English still hold him as our saviour in World War 11, it was his rhetoric, not his handsome face.


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