Sunday 16 October 2016


Hillary Clinton, you will be voting for Open borders, Globalisation, corruption, higher taxes,  WAR, Wikileaks scandals. Bribes, Clinton Foundation, ladders of opportunity is how much you give to her, Gangsters, Clinton looting the treasury, last time she had to give back the china to The White House. She does not like religion. Crime and Bill in the next door office but we were sold down the river a long time ago. Terrible reputation, yes terrible, around the world. Chelsea has her hands in the piggy bank too. Look what Clinton's did with Haiti, her past reputation with Vincent Foster, 140 people disappeared, Benghazi, Whitewater, her trashing of others religion, 35,000 emails bleached. You will be on the hook. 20 trillion in debt. Upstate New York. Thirty years of failure. Bill Clinton was threatened with impeachment and disbarred for sexual harassment which they then framed Donald with. Hillary's poor health and suspected Parkinsons. Do you seriously want more of this? Hated by Haitians. Famous for drug laundering. Gangster activities. Corrupt Media and Supreme Court. Money stashed away instead of giving to charities. Left wing liberal  intellects love her. Propaganda. All her emails compromised by enemies of state. Time to tried, Madame.


Donald J. Trump offers the opportunity to make America great again, this is his great wish. Greater screening of immigrants, lower taxation, greater security, religious tolerance within the borders. A wall, corruption stopped. Hillary in Jail. Nationalism, building up the army. Had a clean reputation until Mainstream Media killed him. Beautiful well behaved children. popularity with poor America. Liberty, Donald is loved by the people. You have to make a choice. Charm, humor his own wealth. People love him.

Freedom. Corruption within the system exposed and imprisoned.
Main Stream Media exposed and shamed. Paid for his own campaign.
His supposed sexual harassment have now been proved that they were set up's by Clinton campaign.
Robust health a few pounds overweight. His own successful businesses well loved boss. Love of women. Improved schools and police. Anti-drugs, anti-booze.
Beautiful clean Whitehouse with a nice family. Well loved around the world.

Friday 14 October 2016


There is something so stinky going on. So stinky. People really are blinded. Thank goodness for the brave people out there who say things as they are. Brave journalists at Infowars and Stefan Molyneaux, Hannity. Go for it. New York Times should be ashamed of writing such vitriolic rubbish and the Democratic party are over one way or another. In fact all politics as we know it today is finished and over. They are clearly worried about Trump and they should be, because he should be President. Remember Ronald Reegan?

No way I shall ever be "Compliant" even on my death bed. Deplorable is the way to go. The rest can rely on one thing and that it is Hillary Clinton who likes war, Her country sells America's weapons and she makes money on her backhanders. Hillary then hides this in her Foundation under bogus claims she does a lot for society yet does not help Haiti?  She has shown that it is she who has caused the mess in the Middle East. It was her murky foreign policy. She could have stopped it, she did not. These are facts. America makes a lot of cash manufacturing of missiles/guns, 35 billion a year the largest sales in the world and this was just in 2014 . WW111 is nearly here. "Of course" WIKILEAKS is Russian run. Give us a break, it is a small operation with one of its men locked up in an embassy. As they have a clean record of producing correct material you should read them.
 If there is a war it will be you Hillary  Clinton who started it with Obama. We do have brains and we have always been awake.
I say go with the DEPLORABLE LECHER and REBEL DONALD TRUMP and be BRAVE. If he mucks up we will BE ALLOWED to  scream and shout. 

It's okay for Bill Clinton to rape and commit crimes but not okay for Donald's locker room talk.  The truth is it's not great about either story but at least Donald's is all talk. Since when have you all been prudes, you are mostly up to no good yourselves. 

On a positive intelligent note, it is you the people who should fight Globalisation, war, and the New World Order, which by the way is looking very old fashioned to me, most of the people who are heads of it are now over 70, ready for their old age. Hillary is sick and old and needs her medicine.  It is she, Hillary and her crony's who are racist and xenophobic, talking about blacks, Catholics and anyone that does not agree with her very old fashioned ideas, in fact, all the Liberals are. I have never heard so much intolerance in my life. It is you the Liberal/Democrats that are unkind. It is you who are critical. Enough. No more. 
The press worries about the Kardashians and other stupidities instead of reporting important news. Covering up their misdemeanors with fake stories about Donald Trump. The problem is the stories the Republican's have on the Clinton's are true, well documented and dealt with. 

You people out there start to believe actions, not words.  Wake up. Stop taking the free grass in Los Angeles and smell and DRINK the coffee.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Dolce&Gabbana Women's Fall/Winter 2016-17, I shall find my prince wearing this.


with so much drama surrounding the American Election this week and the attempted killing of Donald J Trump, I am surprised if anyone can see straight. The Democrats have a nerve, how can Hillary Clinton dare to say terrible things about anyone when she is capable and had thrown a lamp at her husband for his many infidelities, plus the 14 rape charges and general behavior which lead him to be impeached, or nearly impeached and not able to practice law again. How dare she. The double standards of this woman are incredible. I have watched her for years and nothing is sacred. 
I like Donald Trump and I suggest you all wake-up, or don't cry when wars and taxation go too high.
The economy collapses.
Thank goodness for Wikileaks which she is trying to rubbish too. Yes not so clever, however not one mainstream Newspaper has mentioned these documents so you will have to go on line which is infinitely more fun as you meet people like Stefan Molyneux Thank goodness for Wikileaks which she is trying to rubbish too. Yes not so clever, however not one mainstream Newspaper has mentioned these documents so you will have to go on line which is infinitely more fun as you meet people like Stefan Molyneux and the infamous Alex Jones. If you listen to Hillary you would think the latter dangerous but he like a lovely Labrador Puppy with a gun.
In case you can't face opening a Wikileaks account you can listen to Stefan Molyneux's brilliant wit to transpose them which is enclosed here. From them, you discover that the
The Clinton campaign like us to be "Compliant" we are apparently not, we are waking up.

They are worried about Donald J Trump as he has "Kardashian" appeal and could easily beat Hillary , they, therefore, thought it was good to Trash him and make him out to be crazy.  Using not facts but opinion. He always had good press before the election but they now want to make him unsuitable for  becoming President.  They are worried that we the people could fight back. 
So you know the answer, to get your "Freedom" back vote Republican, however, "odd" that sounds, don't lose and give in to the corrupt Clinton's who just want to "MILK" the system and keep you dumbed down. Feeding the large corporations. No fight back. Vote her out.
The Clinton Campaign is also editing the mainstream media, all the newspapers are not telling the truth. Therefore everything you read is not necessarily true. We are living in a word of bubble gum.
The Clinton Campaign get's questions in advance before any interview and are allowed to 
edit too.

In the leaks you discover that the campaign don't like Catholics they because they don't understand differences in gender. wow. They might be less promiscuous. To be a "Democrat"  used to mean you were a member of the unwashed and now means you are brainwashed, from your own party. 
She said in 2015 we could see her emails? Now she changed her mind.
Hillary was advised not to be rude but she cannot help herself, she was advised to  not attack Bernie she looks bad and so on. They are worried about how the Liberal left feel rather than how they think. 
They believed Trump would win. They said they would paint Trump as "reckless and crazy". Perhaps some of you will wake up? Sadly,  this time it is she who appears unfit to rule not the very popular Donald Trump.

Sunday 9 October 2016


I awoke this morning to a whole lot of abuse on Facebook. Who cares? The problem with Democrats is that they have a "holier than thou" attitude which is enough to make you vomit if you wish to be a floating voter.  Everyone who commented has a worst past than Donald Trump if a neon light was shone upon it, so I wish they would for once shut up and listen and see what is really going on.
Of course,  this week is rough for Trump, his cat out of the box as he salaciously talks about slim women under 35 and pussy fumbling. Hardly the talk of Presidents, however, look at Kennedy he as an icon, and as a married man was hardly virtuous having an affair with someone as attractive as Marilyn Monroe. His past was full of mafia connections yet he tried to do good and in the process got killed. That is before emails and mobile telephones. There is nothing more dangerous as we all know than the last two for indiscretions. Hell to this, why are the mainstream media nagging him and ignoring Hillary. It was okay for American's to be killed in Benghazi and to use him as a punch bag.
So for a sensible minute, this is a bunch of hype, it is a scam. It is about Nationalism and Trump and Hillary and Globalism.  Wakey wakey. He must fight back. My favourite judge speaks out.
  I wrote down a list of plusses and minuses for Clinton and Trump.  There are so few minuses for Trump that I am sorry other than his haircut and a few bankruptcies his tax returns and locker room talk there is hardly anything.
Clinton, on the other hand, has despite her lessons still not got the "it" factor either and her hands in the World's piggybank don't make me feel full of confidence, her endorsement of Senator Byrd from the KKK left me thinking. Despite her many qualifications and support from mainstream media she has seriously mucked it all up. Her ambitions to hit the big time in the Oval Office are obvious but what will she do with Bill? Is he going to be groping in the next door office? Photographed in the Foundation with girls, his rapacious personality continually fed.  It is all so sordid when written down.  What about all her scandals? Her connections are hardly worthy either,  despite covering the whole world, under the surface, there are bubbling stories waiting to get out. The word impeachment is thrown around like confetti. Okay so Bill was not really impeached but boy it was close. Will she be, maybe?  What about her mess in the Middle East, not all her fault entirely,  but she did nothing to appease the situation and just made it all worse. Before you finish killing Donald and making him more popular with the average population why not think properly. Other than joining the Women heads of state around the world is she the right calibre? 
Consider this. 
It is not about whether you like Donald Trump, most men, unfortunately, talk like this about women, and you women know it, stop, being prudish. America is fed on a diet of Kardashian's and Starwars, sex, and money, it is hardly surprising. Obama complained about the Kardashian's and said they should be banned. They seem to forget that it was the Republican's that stopped slavery.
You have Bill Clinton, rapist of 14 women on one side, who has said and done worst things and been up for impeachment. On the other side loudmouth businessman Donald Trump.   I am exhausted from listening and fighting yet Alex Jones continues to support Mr. Trump and all the conspiracy theorists too, hating Hillary and knowing what she has been up to they fight his corner.
Hillary who can barely walk up a staircase and has suspected Parkinson's disease, has been massively indiscreet too, calling the American people idiots. Is she well enough to rule? It is not a beauty treatment. Who is worse? Hillary has done thirty years of illegal and dangerous things towards humanity allowing the bombing of her embassy in Benghazi whilst gossiping with friends as to whether she could make money over there. I am sorry from an outsiders point of view she is completely unreliable. Her emails and his boy's talk don't cancel each other out, she committed treason. One plus, it has been the most exciting race ever. Remember the tape of Hillary laughing at the rapist she got off at the beginning of her career?. The girl was mutilated for life. I think this is far worse. I think it's time that LA looks at the facts thoroughly. You will be voting for a woman who gets funding from the Middle East for The infamous Clinton Foundation, who in turn throw their homosexuals off buildings and burns them in cages. She even has helped create ISIS. Check Wikileaks if you do not believe it.
What about her relationship with her lover/secretary Huma? Huma's mother is the Muslim Brotherhood an extremist Muslim movement and funded too by the most religious Saudi's who are into Wahhabism. I do not care what their supposed relationship is but I do care for America about the closeness to their enemies. Hillary wants to open America's borders.
What about the funding she receives from the Middle East for her foundation? The creating of ISIS who along with Obama, fed them with arms. What about the donations to the Clinton Foundation for Haiti? Where did the money go? Why was it not spent on rebuilding it. Why have Hillary and Bill suddenly got 100 million apiece? Not from their hugely expensive speeches, the finances don't add up. Are they money laundering which has often been mentioned? They did this in their past?
What about Vincent Foster, 35,000 emails, and 90 deaths surrounding them? The Democrats do not want change and will allow thousands to enter the country and thousands of jobs are lost overseas.
On top of this, the Uranium being sold to Russia just about does it for me.
So where to go with all this? Both have good intentions but are they capable of implementing them intelligently with integrity and without creating a nuclear war WW3. It is a crazy time, are they both able to understand the implications that one of them will win and take on. America is on the verge of bankruptcy with 20 billion debt and Donald wants to make it great again? Hillary is on a quest to make him look as ridiculous as possible not from a position of strength. All I know is that my most intelligent friends, the ones that have succeeded in their own right, made their own money are for Trump. Time will tell as usual. Mainstream Media have little to offer except their continual beating of the same drum.
Let's hope this time they talk about what they intend to achieve and stop slagging each other off because none of us are blind or deaf. We need America to be great again. We need it to be stable. We need the economy to be healthy. We need stability worldwide and peace where possible. Let's aim for that?

" Political correctness is the worst thing for democracy" Gore Vidal. He could obviously see this coming.
A blog I love is one by Stanley Weiss.