Sunday 5 February 2012


As I read the papers this morning there is so much talk about eating disorders.  I have lived with one most of my life, to clarify this I am not bulimic or anorexic. I will not do nothing that threatens my life. So in this way it is controlled. I have just a massive fear of obesity that drives me to the scales every morning.  Put it this way if I were fat I would rather die.  So that is why I have Catherine here from Brazil. This sounds glamorous having your dietician over from Brazil, it is and it is not. We are friends.  She came to work for me and left as a good pal.  Anyway this morning I have lost 2.5 pounds since Thursday and today is not over.
The sun is shining.

Last night I saw the the brilliant and undoubtedly best film of the year "Extremely loud and incredibly close" with a fascinating Q and A afterwards with Max von Sydow.. It is tricky to do any film about the September 11th, the ramifications are felt every day worldwide. Stephen Daldry's brilliant direction and heart rending music by Alexandre Desplat make this film one to remember. It should be a bigger winner than it is but it stabs the hearts of America and cannot.

I personally was in New York the night before and I had a flash that something like this would happen. I asked my ex husband to leave immediately.  I felt weird claustrophobic, I had to catch the flight straight away.  I am only sometimes able to see in the future and this time I had a flash and a warning to leave New York immediately.  I listened.

Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock play the parents of a young independent boy, intelligently acted by Thomas Horn, who is neurotic, quirky, articulate and adorable. His use of language old fashioned and accurate.  The audience laughed and sobbed all the way through.  The boy carries a tambourine around to stop him being frighted and he wears a gas mask on the subway in an intricate tale to find the answers to a key he finds in a vase, after his father dies.  He makes lists, carries compasses, takes photographs, makes scrap books.  His grief for the loss of his Father and hatred towards his Mother is understandable and convincing.  This film is based on Jonathan Safran Foer's novel Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and crosses all borders in New York.  The brilliant acting of Max Von Sydow is a welcome entry to this boys life.  He is also a master at his craft. Not able to speak he uses sign language and notes.  Yes as he said last night "my pen is my computer"
This film has to be one of the best this year. After seeing it I wish sometimes I lived at a different time, when humans were not so in control. The earth will fight back one day.

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