Sunday 8 August 2010

BRAVE THE STORM,"Lips unsealed, a memoir"Belinda Carlisle

Having decided to brave the rain I trotted happily to Ascot to see my friend Belinda Carlisle sing a few numbers at the race course. I am pleased I made the effort. I saw Boy George, in a new light. There is something so good about seeing people you know perform. Belinda and I have spent a lot of time together in the past. We have been to see the Hill Tribes in Thailand where we saw grandmothers suckle the babies whilst smoking Opium. We have been to Egypt and on the pretence of a television programme entered places that are rarely shown to the public and to Marrakech where Belinda was locked in a cage with me banging on the wall trying to get her out, as an 86 year old toothless voo doo man tried to rape her, and then did magic on her.. That is just the tip of the ice berg. She has written about it in her new book "Lips unsealed, a memoir" She tells of drug abuse and her wonderful Cinderella story. Belinda is so squeaky clean I actually have never seen her up to no good with drugs. My husband did however say to me one that the cause of our marriage breakdown was Eurostar, a mobile phone and Belinda Carlisle...
Afterward I went to Eton and had so much fun. There was Tango dancing on the bridge underneath Windsor Castle. People attempting to dance, but so much fun. I forgot my lesson on Friday and here coincidence was nagging me.

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