Tuesday 18 March 2014


L'Wren Scott elegant, glamorous, towering over everybody. Talented yet clearly tormented by massive debts.  Hanging herself with a black silk scarf has definitely shocked the world of fashion and celebrity. There was talk of a rocky relationship with Mick and her stylish 2014 collection not being  shown in February as it was incomplete and late.  My thoughts are with her family and close friends at this time. I loved her long narrow dresses, difficult to wear, but they suited my image. They had a very structured feel to them. Uncomfortable but elegant, they probably reflected her character. With a pedigree of dressing Madonna and Jennifer Lopez, and designing for the film "Eyes wide shut" it looked like the world was her oyster. However, living a love story with a number one man on the planet, who is on tour, can't have been easy, and owing money to a bank a nightmare.  It is a sad day in the fashion industry, another imaginative designer lost.  May her soul rest in peace.

Clarissa Dickson Wright also dying yesterday was sad. I loved her duo on a bike, her love of fat, cream and wit. Her fast paced upper class speech was copied through my household. My family loved her, teasing ways. "Just add a lot of butter and everything will taste good". She did four series with BBC 2 with her partner, the late Jennifer Paterson. The non politically correct  attitude was appreciated throughout Great Britain as they took it by storm.
Rest in peace, they gave us, together, "such a jolly old time".
England at it's best.

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