Sunday 28 October 2012


Lying on the beach at the Amanpuri is totally magical, it is empty and I am happy.  Despite missing my friends here, as I usually visit at Christmas, there is something wonderful about being the only one on this stretch of white sand.  I am in love with what I am doing.  I spent this evening with music and filming in Patong. 
My companion came into my room tonight and said he felt he could not remember a life before this trip.  Poor thing. I feel guilty and perhaps he should go back now while the going is good. He said he had never been with anybody so long except his ex wife.  We have work to do, so it would be a pity, but I understand.
Thailand is not so seedy at this time of year but just as much fun. There was a little girl, eighteen months old, sitting at one of the bars who had been taught to drink lemonade like a sailor, swigging it back she pocketed her tips into her pretend bra under her T shirt. 
I had my second golden face pack and brilliant facial at a shop called Hanako Tokyo in a huge shopping centre at Jungeceylon at shop 41.  Boris filmed me throughout playing with the wild and fun beautician in the shop which was totally full. We lay like surreal sardines where their pretty staff, wore masques  and made us beautiful. There are many beauty salons to choose from but I liked this one. They could not give me back youth but my skin looks divine. Well at least my friend told me it did.
I had a terrible four handed massage too so you have to be careful in the same shopping centre.  Heavy handed with no care and with women who were grandmothers.  Not so great massaged by people past their prime. There was something sordid about the whole thing.
Back at the Amanpuri Hotel Spa I had a spiritual awakening this morning when electricity from my hands sent me to sleep within in minutes during a meditation session followed by an incredible yoga lesson in the luxurious spa a far cry from musak and the bright pink lights of a busy shopping centre.

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