Thursday 7 July 2011


Sorry I could not attend post play jamboree- reasons too dull to expand on.
I thought it was an extraordinary evening- loved the meditation class taking
place by the entrance (no hope in hell of keeping on track there). Loved the
sets, loved the boy, love your chutzpah, loved sitting near Nancy and Trev
and Viv and Traceeeeeeeeeey.
There is so much about the play to discuss- shared memories, totally
different experiences but many things in common. There were profoundly
touching moments and some very funny ones too. You are amazingly brave to do
it. Amazingly. I raise a huge glass to you and your vulnerability and energy
and flamboyance.
Goodnight dear friend. Well done. Brava.
Love Hannah Rothschild


Darling Amanda

I found your play  moving and at times unbearably so, very Proustian with your 
obsession with loss and longing. 

And as for Charles he really has it - that star quality.

Big congratulations and much love Claudia Rothermere xxxx

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