Monday 21 March 2011


I have always been a bit dubious of people who say that in the country there are no  connections, the telegraph poles are down and the computer doesn't work.  We are in the 21st century,  2011 and without doubt this seems pretty unlikely.  If a blackberry works in Cambodia why doesn't work in Fowey, Cornwall?.  Both are rural and pretty peaceful.  Anyway I am here in the middle of Fowey and realising that I want to leave for London now,  I love my friends and miss them yet have only been away two minutes.  I have a problem that when I arrive in the country I seem to want to leave it, yes it has beauty, but it leaves me with a lonely feeling because of it.
When I was a child I used to visit Bodmin Moor often, so now I wanted to buy a house here. Actually I want to go home to London and see the crowds of people rushing about.  In any case England has become so built up that at Taunton the Happy Cafe in the petrol station had crowds of grannies eating in it, I thought what were all these people doing not working?.  People were actually enjoying this ugly place.
Eventually I arrived at the home of Daphne du Maurier's romantic novels, frenchman's creek countryside, visiting a house called Ladye Park which has a spring in it, this is blessed by the Goddess Kerrid.  She is the goddess of love and rejuvenation.  There is a fascinating story about her two sons, one good looking and one ugly, and she tries to give the ugly one the ability to see. Instead the good looking son drinks her brew on the stove by mistake and immediately sees what she is about to do.  He decides to disappear and she catches him gobbling him up, only to give birth to him once again. When the early Christians arrived in Cornwall, the spring became the Catholic home until the reformation.  The house was sadly damp and miserable.  There was something misfortunate about it for me. Plus it had a camp side at the end of the lane.  The only beautiful thing was the tiny stream, this made up for everything. Covered with moss it rushed passed me and here you understood the shift shaping spirit of Kerrid the Goddess.
Tomorrow I will race back to London in the most incredible range rover I have just rented for the day. Yes I needed it, and yes I will have enjoyed 24 hours in the country but now I am going home.

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