Monday 4 April 2011


After today's disclosure about a friend of mine's marriage on FACEBOOK, I realise that once again the internet, feels discreet and is not.  When I am writing on it, it feels fun and I talk about subjects that I think are of little interest to the big ears of journalists.  However the most banal comments get picked up and used.  The person who sells this story has to be seriously bored and desperate for cashy cash.
As for my value on marriage, they are as changeable as the wind.  Unfortunately it depends on what mood I wake up in.  Is it sunny, rainy, am I bored, or is the novel I am reading influential in my daily decision making?.   Truth is I could claim to like one thing when in fact I could like another. Marriage is not as flexible.

I know in my heart of hearts what means a lot to me, I guard it like a fierce terrier. I am also at the age when I can be canny with words, and say what people want to hear.  Of course Christmas, summer holidays, birthdays are all better in the company of someone who loves you.  I am not sure about the drudgery, the bankers dinners, the day to day dreary, dealing with window cleaners or doing it yourself, actually I would rather do everything myself, then I know its been done.

As for love, I would rather see someone who I have a coup de foudre for, and who feels the same, perhaps every three weeks, than see a man who is driving me crazy picking his nose.  Most men are delightful to me, most. However this week end one was particularly offensive. He know who he is.  I was surprised.  I was conned.  I did not feel like travelling and he went wild.  Thank goodness it happened or I might be massaging his ego right now.

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