Saturday 25 July 2009


I have been clenching my teeth all week one way or another, my face was in a sort of grimace. I am in a state of excitement, everything is starting to look sunnier, My house exchanged contracts yesterday, so there are so many interesting new challenges for me to go through. Finding a house is one of them. I have fallen in love several times, but truly nobody has put anything new on the market, at the moment, due to the financial crisis.

So whilst I could have gone mad with the uncertainty I have been playing with some 20 year old friends, who were so much fun to hang out with. No one needs anything for their face, let alone strange potions and injections, when they spend time with youth. It brightens the eyes and it's a Dorian Gray syndrome, lets hope that I don't exchange my soul, like him, for it, or indulge in decadence.. No unspeakable sins against me please. I like to try and remain a little pure, new people, new adventures help ideas flourish and I love those. Being in love makes me swing from elation to deflation in about ten minutes. Lets face it though youth gives us the feeling that spring water and eternal sunshine does. Nothing better than hanging out with my sons and their friends, or receiving roses from admirers. I have decided I shall have a skip in my walk this Summer.

Let us Pray.

Hopefully new elections are on the way, the Conservatives are due to get in and it is time to change. With new backing from people like Tracey Emin, I shall continue my undying support for them in the next election. With 50 percent taxation, supposedly under Labour, I would be a fool not to vote for anybody but David Cameron. I am Conservative in every way. I live the life style, come from a conservative background, and will wait and help in whatever way I can, to make sure they get in. I hate fake, and politics today is just that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so its off with the old and on with the young then, i was hopeless at maths at school but since turning 50 i have discovered that 25 goes into 50 more than 50 goes into 25. youth might be wasted on the young but it is certainly enjoyed by me x