Monday 11 May 2009


I was watching this film again last night with my son Charles. It was made in 1969 by Visconti, and shows us how corruptible people are, and how the least likely person may succeed. Anyway we started watching it and were about a quarter away through,
when Charlie turned it off, he was horrified, and said it was too upsetting. I first watched it one month ago and every day or so images come into my mind and I turn it on to check if what I thought happened, happened. It is one of the most provoking films I have ever seen. It all starts off normally with many characters shown at once, and without the viewer being truly aware, terrible things are introduced. Helmut Berger, the star of the film, was Visconti's lover at the time. His life also is tragic, after the death of Visconti, he was supposed to be mentioned in the will, but no will could be found. He did a series of films from Dorian Grey to Dynasty which he did for money and then moved back with his Mother in Rome in 2004.

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